New Year New Me

New Year New Me

It may be cheesy but it's true, there is no better time to start a new habit than a new year! With the new year in full swing what have you got in place to make sure your year is a cracker?
Whether it be to chill out more, get a job promotion or have a successful birth.
What it is great to do to divide up your yearly goals by health (physical, mental, spiritual) with work/study. This allows you to see what areas and lack of time you may be giving to certain areas of your life.
Without goals we can end up pondering through life no better off than we were last year. While there is nothing wrong with this (if you are happy with where you are), it's still great to make simple goals such as "I want to make a conscious effort to be happier" or "I want to be able to do one push up by July". Once we have written out our goals, (aim for 2-3 for each section) we then make monthly goals to ensure these yearly goals are achievable. For example "this month I want to start giving myself 30 minutes away from the kids each day so i have space, which will make me happier" or "my goal for January is to be able to do 1 assisted push up on my knees".
I want you to be successful, happy and healthy and this is why I've formulated the perfect goals template to ensure you reach your greatest potential. The template is below which is downloadable and customisable to you and your goals. This is the template i wish i had, so i formulated it! I hope you guys love it as much as i do!
My Yearly Goals are_
Download PDF • 178KB
If you're lacking motivation in life there are some great books to give you motivation and inspiration. Some of my favourites include (focused on specific areas): - Daily mantras to ignite your purpose by Lisa Messenger - Chillpreneur by Denise Duffield-Thomas - You can heal your life by Louise Hay
- Positive Parenting by Rebecca Eanes
Stay happy and healthy, and bring in the new year with a bang!
BalancedBeings x x
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