Our clinic treats based on evidence & test results. Our practitioners are all degree qualified & specifically trained for the treatment of babies, children & mothers. Our expert knowledge in our field and our understanding of causative and driving factors are the epicentre of our treatment, and that's how we get results that last. 

Treating the Cause: In the Balanced Beings Clinic we treat the causative factor to the conditions/symptoms to get long term results. When we look at the factors that have caused disease (bacterial overgrowths, intestinal permeability, heavy metals etc.) and address appropriately it assists with long term clearance of the conditions/symptoms.

Our Consultation Process: Due to our individualised and testing based treatment our initial consultation process involves further testing to find the root cause prior to the development of a treatment plan. This ensures we are treating based on results & evidence to give you the best treatment as possible. Our return appointment involves the presentation of the results and education of the clinical findings, individualised prescriptions (safe for you and your child's age) and integral dietary changes required for addressing the root cause. 

The life-changing results we achieve at our clinic (check out the reviews here)  are a direct result of the comprehensive 1:1 mentoring and training our naturopaths receive from our head naturopath and owner.


Not only are all of our naturopaths degree-qualified with a 4-year Health Science degree specialised in Naturopathy, but they also undergo additional, specialised training in areas such as paediatrics, children’s health, testing analysis, pregnancy, motherhood, and more. This includes expertise in Hair Mineral Testing, Vaginal Microbiome, Mould Treatment and Testing, Testing Gut Microbiome Testing, Comprehensive DNA Testing, Hormonal and Cortisol Testing, and MTHFR Testing.

Below are all the courses all our practitioners has participated in:
- 1:1 Mentorship and training in children's health & Paediatrics with Brooke Klower
- Paediatric Masterclass by Geraldine Headley
-  BBEducation Gut Microbiome Ecourse with Brooke Klower
- MTHFR training, mould and oxalates by MTHFR Support Australia 
- True Health Synergy Hair Mineral Analysis for Health Practitioners
- Nutripath myDNA training 
- Moira Bradfield Vagiversity for Vaginal Microbiome 


During our onboarding process at Balanced Beings all Naturopaths recieve 1:1 Mentoring with Senior Naturopaths apart of the team. All treatment plans are also carefully reviewed and approved by our Senior Naturopaths to ensure the highest standards of safety and treatment outcomes occur regardless of the practitioner you see on our team, as we have a collaborative approach. Additionally, our Senior Naturopaths also listen in to 25% of consults during this initial period to ensure optimal results for our clients.

Moreover, all our naturopaths continue their professional development through regular up skilling sessions and case debriefs with the entire team. Our naturopaths also conduct out of work courses to up skill their knowledge every year. This collaborative approach ensures that every case is receiving the attention it needs, with fresh eyes and expert input every fortnight.

Our cutting-edge approach guarantees that you are being treated by the best naturopaths in the field.