
Practitioner vs over the counter products, is t...
Have you ever lost confidence in supplements you have taken and wonder why its not fixing what you thought it would? Probably. It’s common for people to come into clinic...
Practitioner vs over the counter products, is t...
Have you ever lost confidence in supplements you have taken and wonder why its not fixing what you thought it would? Probably. It’s common for people to come into clinic...

Buckwheat Porridge Recipe
Why are we eating buckwheat? Well buckwheat is a powerhouse as it aids in reducing blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, provides stable blood sugar levels and reduces cholesterol and inflammation. This...
Buckwheat Porridge Recipe
Why are we eating buckwheat? Well buckwheat is a powerhouse as it aids in reducing blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, provides stable blood sugar levels and reduces cholesterol and inflammation. This...

Omega 3's for Children and babies, should they ...
You guessed it! If adults and foetus’ need omega 3’s you bet children and babies do too! Babies can ascertain adequate amounts of omega 3’s for their development through breastmilk...
Omega 3's for Children and babies, should they ...
You guessed it! If adults and foetus’ need omega 3’s you bet children and babies do too! Babies can ascertain adequate amounts of omega 3’s for their development through breastmilk...

Omega 3’s in Pregnancy, why are they vital?: Se...
So I’ve talked all about the benefits of omega 3’s but why are they so important for pregnancy? Omega 3’s are absolutely vital in pregnancy because the foetus requires them...
Omega 3’s in Pregnancy, why are they vital?: Se...
So I’ve talked all about the benefits of omega 3’s but why are they so important for pregnancy? Omega 3’s are absolutely vital in pregnancy because the foetus requires them...

Omega 3's, what’s the rave all about? #Series 1
Well omega 3's are something to rave about after all! Essential fatty acid contains high-density lipoprotein (HDL) which is known as the good cholesterol; as it assists to remove levels...
Omega 3's, what’s the rave all about? #Series 1
Well omega 3's are something to rave about after all! Essential fatty acid contains high-density lipoprotein (HDL) which is known as the good cholesterol; as it assists to remove levels...

Cheesy Dairy Free Lasagna
This lasagna recipe replaces dairy with nutrient dense cashews, making this meal dairy free! This meal is full of nutrients as it also contains various vegetables, nuts and beans which...
Cheesy Dairy Free Lasagna
This lasagna recipe replaces dairy with nutrient dense cashews, making this meal dairy free! This meal is full of nutrients as it also contains various vegetables, nuts and beans which...